#HRT /HRT Hormonal Replacement Treatment (HRT), the artificial supplement of {estrogen}, administered by tablet, skin patches or implant. The major advantage to {menopausal} women is that it reduces risk of {osteoporosis} (see 'Osteoporosis' section). Other advantages may include: $1 control of 'hot flashes' improved skin complexion improved hair improved physical well-being improved sex-drive relief from {depression} $1 Disadvantages may include: $1 return of {periods} occasional breast tenderness possible link with breast {cancer} $1 !i b! Medical evidence suggests the advantages of HRT for menopausal women outweigh the disadvantages. !n! For other women, {HRT} offers some protection against {cancer} of {womb} & {cervix}. However, there is thought to be a higher incidence of breast cancer. Therefore, all women using HRT should have their breasts examined every year.